one moment she's envious..
then later she thinks she's prettier than some..
for the believing woman, the desire to attract and be accepted
can be so strong it easily robs her of the joy of contentment
and at worst can lead to many a peril...
happy is she who's at peace with her looks
keeps it clean, pleasant and appealing if need be
in whatever stage of life she is in..
for beauty has always been in the eye of the beholder...
and the truly beautiful woman seeks to please the eye of her Maker and Lord.
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. (Pro 31:30)
Our struggle in this "pretty-in-ugly-out world" really starts from the heart. i write this from my own.
"Our culture puts forth a standard of beauty that is unattainable by most.
God puts forth a standard of beauty to which we can all attain
if we just respond to His work of grace in our lives.
Our culture encourages women to cultivate a beauty that is skin
deep. God tells us to pursue an inner beauty of great worth.
Our culture encourages women to cultivate a beauty that will only last for a brief time.
God encourages women to cultivate a beauty that will never fade
and that will only grow more attractive with the passing of time.
Our culture calls us to cultivate a beauty that impresses others.
God summons us to cultivate a beauty that is first and foremost for His eyes.
Our culture entices us to aspire to the beauty of the latest glamorous
model or this season’s most popular actress.
God bids us to aspire to the beauty of the holy women in the past who put their hope in God.
Do you see the difference? "
Carolyn Mahaney, Biblical Womanhoodhttps://www.cbmw.org/images/onlinebooks/biblical_womanhood/true_beauty.pdf
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