This account of the bleeding woman and how Christ healed her is one of the most comforting verses for sinners like me who have long struggled with "uncleanness"... Other "healers" only made our condition worse. But when we respond to what we hear-- that Christ heals, not only our sicknesses but also our relationship with God, when we believe in Him, He heals us and assures us of true healing, calling us "daughter"...
Sharing the comments of Albert Barnes on this passage:
"And behold, a woman who had suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years" ... -
This disease was by the Jews reckoned unclean (Lev 15:25), and the woman was therefore unwilling to make personal application to Jesus, or even to touch his person. The disease was regarded as incurable. She had expended all her property, and grew worse, (Mark 5:26)
"Touched the hem of his garment "-
This garment was probably the square garment which was thrown over the shoulders.. This was surrounded by a border or “fringe;” and this “fringe,” or the loose threads hanging down, is what is meant by the “hem.” The Jews were commanded to wear this, in order to distinguish them from other nations.
Mark says that “the woman, fearing and trembling,” came and told him all the truth.
Perhaps she feared that, from the impure nature of her disease, he would be offended that she touched him.
"Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, "Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well."
Jesus silenced her fears, commended her faith, and sent her away in peace.He used an endearing appellation, calling her “daughter,” a word of tenderness and affection, and dismissed her who had been twelve long and tedious years labouring under a weakening and offensive disease, now in an instant made whole. Her faith, her strong confidence in Jesus, had been the means of her restoration.
It was the “power” of Jesus that cured her; but that power would not have been exerted but in connection with faith. So in the salvation of a sinner. No one is saved who does not believe; but faith is the instrument, and not the power, that saves.
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